We're certainly not aiming to promote far-right Russian politics. Bronzit has spoken out against the invasion of Ukraine, and against many other actions of the Putin regime. The scholar who shared his guide on Telegram is no nationalist himself. This is just the very cynical opinion of a two-time Oscar nominee who's seen a lot of festiva…
We're certainly not aiming to promote far-right Russian politics. Bronzit has spoken out against the invasion of Ukraine, and against many other actions of the Putin regime. The scholar who shared his guide on Telegram is no nationalist himself. This is just the very cynical opinion of a two-time Oscar nominee who's seen a lot of festival films. Everyone is free to disagree with the things he wrote -- we definitely have reservations about them ourselves. But they're more about his frustration with the festival scene (and with what he views as the exploitation of real-world hardship and tragedy to win awards) than anything else.
It's not about Ukraine, it's about the person and his take. I am from Russia and I can see more than just a cynical opinion: a barely hidden mockery. We have there a very ugly saying usually reserved for the modern art, I am not going to write that (I looked into FB comments, and yes, he put a like to a person, who said a very close thing), it is homophobic, ableist and unsurprisingly xenophobic, and he paraphrased it into one of his takes in this "guide".
We're certainly not aiming to promote far-right Russian politics. Bronzit has spoken out against the invasion of Ukraine, and against many other actions of the Putin regime. The scholar who shared his guide on Telegram is no nationalist himself. This is just the very cynical opinion of a two-time Oscar nominee who's seen a lot of festival films. Everyone is free to disagree with the things he wrote -- we definitely have reservations about them ourselves. But they're more about his frustration with the festival scene (and with what he views as the exploitation of real-world hardship and tragedy to win awards) than anything else.
It's not about Ukraine, it's about the person and his take. I am from Russia and I can see more than just a cynical opinion: a barely hidden mockery. We have there a very ugly saying usually reserved for the modern art, I am not going to write that (I looked into FB comments, and yes, he put a like to a person, who said a very close thing), it is homophobic, ableist and unsurprisingly xenophobic, and he paraphrased it into one of his takes in this "guide".