It was an incredible risk. No Oshii film has ever replicated this success again -- not even Ghost in the Shell 2, despite its huge budget! There may have been an element of luck here (right place, right time), but Manga Entertainment absolutely deserves credit for selling a film that even the critics thought was too difficult for average viewers. It's one for the history books.
It was an incredible risk. No Oshii film has ever replicated this success again -- not even Ghost in the Shell 2, despite its huge budget! There may have been an element of luck here (right place, right time), but Manga Entertainment absolutely deserves credit for selling a film that even the critics thought was too difficult for average viewers. It's one for the history books.
It was an incredible risk. No Oshii film has ever replicated this success again -- not even Ghost in the Shell 2, despite its huge budget! There may have been an element of luck here (right place, right time), but Manga Entertainment absolutely deserves credit for selling a film that even the critics thought was too difficult for average viewers. It's one for the history books.