The gold standard for Disney biographies is "The Animated Man" (by Michael Barrier), but it unfortunately glosses over Mary Blair, UPA and a lot of the other things mentioned here. You might have more luck with John Canemaker's "Before the Animation Begins: The Art and Lives of Disney Inspirational Sketch Artists" and Charles Solomon's "The Disney That Never Was," which go deep into the kind of process/aesthetics/studio-politics stuff we covered today. That first one especially was a book we referenced a lot.
Can you recommend a good biography on Walt Disney that covers stuff like this? It's so fascinating.
The gold standard for Disney biographies is "The Animated Man" (by Michael Barrier), but it unfortunately glosses over Mary Blair, UPA and a lot of the other things mentioned here. You might have more luck with John Canemaker's "Before the Animation Begins: The Art and Lives of Disney Inspirational Sketch Artists" and Charles Solomon's "The Disney That Never Was," which go deep into the kind of process/aesthetics/studio-politics stuff we covered today. That first one especially was a book we referenced a lot.
About Mary Blair art:
128 pages in color, and there is a suggestion for another (smaller, 44 pgs) book