Dec 20, 2021Liked by Animation Obsessive Staff

Fantastic last Sunday issue, and congratulations on the year's successes! Loved the homage to Charlie Brown, and appreciated the gems of the month, flagged to watch shortly.

I laughed out loud at "*the* greatest Christmas special;" I'm guessing that this is probably an annual tradition for the staff. Surprisingly, while I can immediately recognize a scene from the film, I don't know that I've ever watched it from end to end in a single sitting. Perhaps this is the year to remedy that.

Fascinating to read bout the unique challenges to animating this film, down to the walk cycles and head turns. Yet again I find myself marveling at how hard it is to bring life to moving drawings, but, as your affection for this film attests, and as you so well put it, there's a magic that can happen despite things like flaws in execution. And when it does, the resonance an animation can produce in an audience is outsized. I think that's what's so beautiful about this art form.

Though it seems like you'll continue with member issues through the holidays, hopefully the staff will also find a moment to rest and celebrate.

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by Animation Obsessive Staff

Great article as always. Even when I was very young I did get an inkling that the production for A Charlie Brown Christmas was probably quite messy, its one of those things that you watch and get that feeling about but the overwhelming amount of heart and compassion that the short demonstrates sort of shoots that feeling to the back of your mind. Its interesting to read how the artists behind the short felt before and after it became a success, it can be hard for an artist to see why people love their work when they themselves just see the mistakes behind it.

Its interesting to see EpicGames make bigger and bigger steps into the art and animation industries. With their buy out of ArtStation and subsequently making most of the learning resources on the site free to their Epic MegaGrants program to fund animation and games while allowing the creators full ownership of the product. Its genuinely really cool to see but a pessimistic side of me feels as if its just a huge corporation just trying to find ways to spend money, its kind of hard to distinguish. Even so Yuki 7 was a huge highlight for me this year and it wouldn't have been made with out the Epic MegaGrants program.

As always great newsletter keep it up!

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