Apr 8Liked by Animation Obsessive Staff

Remember CEOs and Executives are easier to replace by AI and the company gets a huge cash return to hire artists and create wonderful art

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Apr 8Liked by Animation Obsessive Staff

We do, indeed, need to be more "human-ier." It's the only way!!

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Apr 19Liked by Animation Obsessive Staff

I think ultimately AI will lose. I have faith people will reject the slop being pushed out by artless losers who are just out to make a quick buck. However, I fear for the artists who will suffer for the next few years while all the powers-that-be greedily double down on AI garbage. “AI” is just the next metaverse, nft, crypto, destructive silicon valley scam. It’ll blow over eventually, but not without ruining some lives first.

It’s become increasingly obvious that these “generative AIs”, “LLMs”, whatever you want to call them, rely entirely on stolen work. There is no way they would ever be able to legally afford to pay for all the “training data” (AKA art) that they’ve stolen for their scam, they have said as much. IMO governments need to stop dragging their feet and stop this mass theft ASAP. Hopefully this happens sooner than later and we can move on.

(rant over, obviously I hate this stuff lol)

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Apr 12Liked by Animation Obsessive Staff

Solid coverage of the issue! Time will tell whether modern audiences want just a disposable, cheap thrill or real human connection from their entertainment, but I think it's always our job as artists to provide folks with the best possible options and keep the fire burning for those who need it. Especially children.

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Apr 8Liked by Animation Obsessive Staff

As an illustrator who has had to sustain myself via my UX/UI Design day job, I had always hoped that technology would help us with mundane tasks so that we would have more time to pursue creative endeavors like music, literature, and art. Instead, AI driven tech companies went after the creative market, which was already undervalued and underpaid.

Today, not only is my illustration work having to compete with AI-generated garbage, but my day job is being threatened as companies believe that especially User Interface design can be replaced by AI. To quote Pepé Le Pew, "Le sigh."

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8Liked by Animation Obsessive Staff

The beautiful thing about being more "human-ier", as @kyle T Webster put it, is we have a point of view. Humans are capable of the creative act, "I saw this incredible (or horrific) thing, this is how I see it, and I made this for you. Enjoy." That's not replaceable. And to have a point a view people want to read, listen, or watch, one must experience life, deeply. How? By living it. Inwardly, or outwardly. I think for some folks, A.I will only amplify their authenticity, because the inauthentic will be as obvious as it is right now when someone in a room is being disingenuous. The group can always tell.

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Apr 8Liked by Animation Obsessive Staff

One question, a few days ago I sent you a segment of a regional animation by mail, is it called Aventuras en la Isla del Coco, did you receive it or is it another way, how is it done?

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